San Diego based professional meeting & visual facilitator.
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Get the first 3 chapters of David’s guidebook
“Embracing Change from the Inside Outâ€.



With Results You Can Measure

Visual Facilitation

Professional facilitation helps you win every meeting with desired results.

Coaching & Leadership Development

Coaching provides the support you need for the changes you want to achieve.


Unique & compelling visual messaging conveys big-picture and complexity with impact.



We will design and execute any meeting to be a highly productive and worthwhile experience. The more visually oriented, the more emotionally engaging—visual facilitation is my specialty. Making the invisible visible is the key to insight, pattern recognition, connection, and breakthrough—especially important for managers and executives. We’ll ensure that follow-through and implementation are part of the meeting plan.

Events and Sessions custom designed and executed end-to-end to meet your ideal outcomes

  • Exciting productivity initiatives & solutions that impact long-term profitability
  • A fully engaging experience for all participants — not “more-of-the-same†meetings
  • Action plans and event documentation ready for follow-through and faster implementation
  • Accelerated processing of client content

Collaboration that produces faster, better, game-changing results

  • Get groups into collective flow state
  • Higher performance creates positive, shared experience
  • Build teamwork immediately and improve company culture
  • Discover new areas for sales growth or internal productivity

Visual facilitation is far more effective than conventional meeting methodologies

  • Imagery with essential language to maintain focus and create lasting meaning
  • Collapse barriers between participants with common-space capture
  • Instantly validate members’ contributions
  • Visuals trigger emotion, thus engagement, which leads to desired outcomes


Based on David’s approach in Embracing Change From the Inside Out, individualized support modalities accomplish focused objectives. Our aim is breakthrough—the next level of performance and satisfaction—for teams and individuals.

Harness “The Five GameChangers†featured in my book — Embracing Change

  • Clarity, Connection, Conditions, Motivation and Action — proven success factors
  • Utilize advanced Emotional Intelligence and Flow State models
  • Develop the practice of letting go
  • Approach: Honesty/Accuracy/Clarity
  • Use awareness insights as key tools and reference points

“Shift 101†— A weekly customized support process for achieving desired change quickly

  • Weekly assignments with goal setting and monitoring
  • Visualization of goals, change processes, and obstacles (make the invisible visible)
  • Leverage the relationship between personal and professional — internal and external
  • Transform your recurring issues into breakthroughs — tap into your greater potential
  • Unlike anything you’re likely to get from any other coach
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Create commanding, compelling and short presentations that leave time for your audience to integrate the key messages. My simple 3-phase process for accomplishing this—in less time than you’d think possible—is proven, smart and efficient.

Wow your audience with messaging that is concise, clear, distinctive, and compelling

  • Achieve a “presentation breakthroughâ€
  • Outperform PowerPoint by a mile
  • Make almost any kind of complexity simpler and easier to grasp

Always customized and unique to support any branding story or process

  • Articulates vision and delivers clear and compelling key messages and a call to action
  • Augments or replaces a long linear verbal message with a more impactful, quick visual message
  • Inward-facing or external, short- or long-term, especially effective in sales and training
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